Outdoor Ontario
Birding Reports => Southern Ontario Reports => Topic started by: Napper on June 03, 2019, 10:19:47 AM
Hey !
At beach this past Saturday while on the deck I spotted a Red Bellied Woodpecker on the Catalpa tree across the lane.
Went for the Camera, too late again
There are 5 species of Woodpeckers plus Northern Flickers visiting our little wooded area.
Pretty interesting sounding place between 6 am and 8 am.
Napper :)
hairy...downy...pileated...red bellied...what's your fifth? I had a red bellied at my feeder this winter....a first for me....they are surprisingly large...not like a pileated but big.
Hey !
Red Bellied Woodpecker on the Catalpa tree across the lane.
Napper :)
Nice! 8) I sighted a male Red-bellied Woodpecker at Riverwood yesterday.
hairy...downy...pileated...red bellied...what's your fifth? I had a red bellied at my feeder this winter....a first for me....they are surprisingly large...not like a pileated but big.
Noisy in the Morning! Tiny Township
Axeman, we have extremely noisy "Red Headed Woodpeckers" early in the morning. It is not the tree Banging, it's their abrasive call.
Then there was the Northern Flicker that was infatuated with it's own reflection on the bright stainless chimney across the lane. OMG it was annoying thru the first two weeks of May.
Napper :)
Well apparently if you live where I live, it's acceptable to shoot them for being noisy.
I haven't heard the RBW call but I'll have a look.
OK you know what I've been seeing lately...in my flowering crab apple tree? A black and white warbler....they are really cool...it's been a lot of years since I've seen one...and the best part of them? They are the easiest warbler to ID....so I can't be wrong on this one lol...there is a warbler that I can identify.
Youtube can be helpful
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgeyYUeH2ac (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgeyYUeH2ac)
Napper :)
I was having trouble drilling holes in metal drum to make a burn barrel....I'm not a handy guy....I was born with two left hands before someone makes an insensitive comment mocking me....what most people call their right hand, is my other left....anyway...being in an area of Canada that cannot get high speed internet, I rely on my telephone line for internet service....so youtube can be....ahhh....challenging....but having two left hands, I understand challenges....so I wait patiently for youtube instructional vid on how to make a burn barrel upload....after 20 minutes, video good to go so I hit play...and for the first 4 minutes this guy is talking and struggling with making a hole...and then he whips out a gun and shoots a bunch of holes....thanks....OK well ha ha...funny....I'll move on to another vid...and you guessed it....I went through 3 like that where the person purports to be serious only to shoot holes in the barrel...I gave up and called a friend. Notice Youtube wasn't one of the lifelines on "Who Wants To Be A millionaire"?