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Ontario Birds / Eastern bluebirds
« Last post by Shortsighted on Today at 01:28:22 PM »
It was quite a dismal, miserably, windy, dull, why-am-I-here morning.  The answer came almost immediately in my rear view mirror.  At my age I tend to look backwards quite a lot.  I pulled over, even though I was only travelling at 3 kph.  I grabbed my camera and left my car to cool down and rethink its attitude with its right wheels half in a ditch.  I managed a few shots of the half dozen bluebirds but certainly not under ideal conditions and I wasn't all that close to them.  The light was low, I was shooting mostly upwards with an overcast sky as background and wind was being PITA.  I shot at between ISO 1000 - 2000 at f8, with over-exposure 1/3 stop.  My hands were cold.  I know, I know .... gripe, gripe, gripe. 

Female Eastern bluebird


The wind ruffling its coronal feathers
Backyard Birding / Grackle part 2, Milton
« Last post by Napper on March 05, 2025, 05:33:27 PM »
Grackle at feeder today before supper and after a thunderstorm.
Downy from January
Both taken thru back door glass.
Napper ;)
Southern Ontario Reports / Red Winged Blackbird, Milton
« Last post by Napper on March 04, 2025, 04:53:07 PM »
I thought I heard one yesterday afternoon. Today I certainly heard one out the front door again just before supper.
Can't miss that call
Napper :) advanced scout, I dunno
Ontario Birds / Re: Adult Cooper's Hawk
« Last post by Napper on March 04, 2025, 04:50:05 PM »
very nice!
Ontario Birds / Adult Cooper's Hawk
« Last post by Shortsighted on March 04, 2025, 11:58:34 AM »
After I turned down my local sideline this morning my progress was immediately sidelined by the sighting of a Cooper's hawk directing its sight down the line instead of at me.  I curtailed by sidelining activity and grabbed my camera to take a few shots.  The light was poor.  I hate that.  The Cooper's hawk was close, I love that.

Ah, shucks ... I wuz only lookin.
Southern Ontario Wildlife / Re: Opossum, Milton
« Last post by Bird Brain on March 04, 2025, 09:35:06 AM »

Last night at 11:40 pm my neighbour's motion detector light went off, took a look out the kitchen window and saw a large Opossum heading towards the backyard.  Yippee! Very rarely see one, no mistaking the white +  grey body and long rat-like tall.  Mississauga.
Southern Ontario Wildlife / Opossum, Milton
« Last post by Napper on March 03, 2025, 08:53:04 PM »
I was outside retrieving something from my vehicle when I spotted an object at the corner of our garage and side walkway.
I walk over and here is an Opossum drinking water from our downspout. I opened the car and on the way back it was still there.
Went out again with phone hoping to grab a shot but it moved behind the neighbours plastic waste container box.

Little thing was darker Grey  than I remember them to be. Might have been the lighting, dunno

Backyard Birding / Grackle, Milton
« Last post by Napper on March 03, 2025, 05:35:47 PM »
This afternoon around 15:00 hrs I was out on the deck observing the feeder when in the distance I could hear a feeble Grackle call. I thought it might be a Starling doing a mimic call.
Just before supper at 17:00 hrs I was out again and found a single Grackle at the top of a tree along the rear fence probably 80 feet away. I tried to grab a few pics but all I did was create silhoutted images.
Napper:) yard is still buried in cement like snow both front and back

edit.......         I forgot to mention that this past week we have had  many noisy Crows and Ravens chasing each other around
Toronto Reports / Eastern Bluebirds
« Last post by Shortsighted on March 03, 2025, 12:27:04 PM »
Three E. bluebirds in the sumac bushes on sideline 34 (Rouge land).  They were frenetic, moving from bush to bush and would not let me get close.  Upon first arrival, just as I entered the sideline, a falcon careened across the road, close to the ground, veered over the snowbank and disappeared from view.  No snow bunting were seen and Ethan was also a no-show.  There was a RTH circling high in the sky on the concession road but this was east of Altona Rd. just outside the hamlet of Cherrywood, the pothole capital of Pickering.  It may have been another hawk.
Toronto Reports / Re: Flock of Snow bunting
« Last post by Shortsighted on March 02, 2025, 06:06:55 PM »
A very small flock of snow bunting were present again today at about 10:30.  As before, the birds almost disappeared as soon as they landed on the field, their tiny bodies swallowed up by the patches of snow between the scrub.  At one point, as seen from the sideline, they perched at the top of a tree next to concession road #3, which was quite a distance from me.  I took a shot anyway.  Slow progress along the sideline meant that my vantage was often blocked by high piles of snow so I didn't see where the flock headed after leaving the treetop.  Once, a few snow bunting even landed on the sideline road, but when that happened I was 150 meters farther down the sideline, therefore too far away yet again.  Ethan the hawk also showed up ... twice.  No sign of a shrike.