Ontario Birds / Eastern bluebirds
« Last post by Shortsighted on Today at 01:28:22 PM »It was quite a dismal, miserably, windy, dull, why-am-I-here morning. The answer came almost immediately in my rear view mirror. At my age I tend to look backwards quite a lot. I pulled over, even though I was only travelling at 3 kph. I grabbed my camera and left my car to cool down and rethink its attitude with its right wheels half in a ditch. I managed a few shots of the half dozen bluebirds but certainly not under ideal conditions and I wasn't all that close to them. The light was low, I was shooting mostly upwards with an overcast sky as background and wind was being PITA. I shot at between ISO 1000 - 2000 at f8, with over-exposure 1/3 stop. My hands were cold. I know, I know .... gripe, gripe, gripe.

Female Eastern bluebird


The wind ruffling its coronal feathers

Female Eastern bluebird


The wind ruffling its coronal feathers