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Anything Goes / Re: FOY (First of Year) bird 2025
« Last post by Shortsighted on January 02, 2025, 10:29:29 AM »
Took a walk this morning because the sun was shining (finally) and the wind looked worse than it actually was.

FOY perched sighting - BC chickadee,    FOY heard - WB nuthatch,    FOY in flight sighting - gulls x 4      FOY in my imagination - flamingo x *

Anything Goes / Re: FOY (First of Year) bird 2025
« Last post by cabz on January 02, 2025, 07:46:40 AM »
Happy New Year everyone and all good birding for 2025!!!!!

My FoY was either a Mourning Dove or Dark eyed Junco.  I throw out some sunflower seeds in the early morning for the cardinals andwhatever else, usually MD, DEJ and NC, because as soon as the Turkies show up, they eat everything!!!!

Doing our club’s second CBC today around Luther Marsh and hopefully???!!!! might get a Snowy Owl!!???? but figure anything I get is good.  Might even get some Horned Larks!!???

Good birding!!!!!!
Anything Goes / FOY (First of Year) bird 2025
« Last post by Bird Brain on January 01, 2025, 08:23:13 PM »
Hi everyone.  No birds or critters in downtown Mississauga today, weather was crappy cloudy very windy rain and snow. Blah!

Really hoping to see a rare or unusual bird tomorrow but awhile back it's mainly been House Sparrows and Juncos.

The last couple of years my FOY has been American Crow

Anything Goes / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
« Last post by Bird Brain on January 01, 2025, 03:38:15 PM »
Happy New Year everyone! 
Anything Goes / HAPPY NEW YEAR!
« Last post by Shortsighted on January 01, 2025, 01:29:23 PM »
Hurrah!  It's a NEW YEAR and I still have a pulse.

Ontario Birds / Four Sandhill Cranes
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 31, 2024, 03:22:58 PM »
After almost missing the garbage pick-up this morning I realized, while outside, how benign the weather was compared to the sturm und drang from the previous day.  It was dead-calm this morning and not that cold.  That was a sign.  Time to grab the camera and head out.  I decided to head out to Whitby because it was time for a visit.  Good thing too.  When I arrived there were four Sandhill cranes in the farmer's field and quite a lot of geese.  Then again, when are there not a lot of geese.  Trouble was that the cranes were on the other side of tall weeds when viewed from the road.  I wasn't about to climb a tree.  After surveying the road I found a spot over the drainage water with a deer path to the edge of the weeds and that discovery led to a good place to take photographs.

Crane on other side of tall weeds

Three of the four

Better spot

Anything Goes / Happy New Year (Niagara Winter Wonderland)
« Last post by Charline on December 31, 2024, 12:11:36 PM »
Happy New Year!

I put together a short video of Niagara Falls' winter wonderland (indoors and outdoors) in Niagara Falls. I hope that the different sides of Niagara Falls will brighten your new year!
Backyard Birding / Re: Coopers Hawk hunting my yard.
« Last post by Dr. John on December 29, 2024, 07:06:01 AM »
Thanks. It was about 15-20 feet away. It’s pretty used to humans and didn’t flinch when I opened the back door to take a picture.
Backyard Birding / Re: Coopers Hawk hunting my yard.
« Last post by Napper on December 28, 2024, 04:14:18 PM »
That is a spectacular image! How close were you to this bird?
Looks to be an adult Male Coopers Hawk, Red eyes and breast colours is an indicator. Younger birds have yellow eyes and more brown mottling "if that is a word" on the breast.

I spotted a couple of Coopers Hawks last week soaring very close to one another above our street here in Milton.
Napper :)
Backyard Birding / Re: Coopers Hawk hunting my yard.
« Last post by Dr. John on December 28, 2024, 03:35:27 PM »

Aside from focus, aperture, and shutter speed, I don't do much else (I let my camera choose the ISO for the most part).

The metal structure is in the neighbour's yard and is the frame for a gazebo.