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Ontario Birds / Re: Bufflehead
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 28, 2024, 11:08:46 AM »
Thanks.  I like it too.  It cost me extra for that feature.  Charline isn't the only one that can play with a UV light, although she does it better.  I just thought of Rita Coolidge cuz even she thinks nobody does it better.

By the way, male and female Harlequin duck reported on the lakefront off Cranberry Marsh.  I considered going there but with imminent drizzle forecast for Durham and having only modest telephoto reach with my kit, in this low-light situation it would be disappointing even if I found them.  There is also supposed to be a single Barrows goldeneye at the same site, located among a group of Common goldeneye ducks.
Backyard Birding / Re: Coopers Hawk hunting my yard.
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 28, 2024, 10:58:01 AM »
Well done.  Just look at those eyes!  Apparently you know the right half of your camera's controls, probably because you are right-handed.  I can't wait until you figure out the left half.  Heavy machinery in the backyard, or just steel sculpture?  Don't tell me, you bolted all those girders together for a hawk perch.  What an engineer!

My neighbour gave me a mug that said "Engineer" because I designed a pair of speakers for him (now being built) and he keeps referring to me as his personal audio engineer.  The mug defines engineer as:  someone who does precision guesswork using dubious data obtained from unreliable sources.  As I see it, that Coopers hawk is there to do an inspection ... ah, those eyes, they see everything.  Once again, well done!
Ontario Birds / Re: Bufflehead
« Last post by Dr. John on December 28, 2024, 10:36:01 AM »
Beautiful capture of the iridescence.
Backyard Birding / Re: Coopers Hawk hunting my yard.
« Last post by Dr. John on December 28, 2024, 10:34:00 AM »
OK, finally trying to post my first image (of the Cooper's hawk mentioned above).  I am doing this mainly to share what I saw.  Again, I am not the skilled photographer that the rest of you are (I barely understand half the functions on my camera).

Ontario Birds / Bufflehead
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 27, 2024, 01:24:10 PM »
 Cabz mentioned the Christmas Bird Count, yet despite dedicated listening at my end, I’ve heard absolutely no reports concerning bird numbers on the CBC.  I know that in my backyard there is no activity at all.  I know that the woodlot across the street is deserted.  I know that the parks in Pickering are post-apocalyptic in their silence, despite no visible tendrils of rising smoke on the horizon or charred remains to trip over.  Then again, Putin hasn’t arrived yet.

Yes, there are geese, but are they truly Canadian?  Trump has already considered renaming them Great American geese but their tendency to congregate at the border has him a little worried.  Can anyone remember the cardinal, the blue jay and the B&W woodpecker family.  I haven’t seen any of them for quite some time.

What is the significance of the diminished bird numbers?  What does this wholesale collective absence of passerines really mean?

Sure, I can find ducks at the lakefront, sometimes in great numbers and sometimes none at all.  Scaup, Redheads, Buffleheads seem to be present as in previous winters, even a healthy number of less common ducks, such as Ruddy, Ring-necked, Canvasback and Pintail.  This could be viewed as a consolation to the absence of all the sparrows, finches and related winter passerines

Unfortunately, those less common ducks are way out in cell 3 at TTP and at the Unwin bridge area.  I visited a favourite spot and hunkered-down under cover to wait. There was very little that passed my station.  Bufflehead were making the shoreline rounds and then returning to deeper water, probably as part of cyclic routine. It’s merely an hypothesis that I can’t validate because I wasn’t there long enough.

Cautious male Bufflehead wondering what that lump under the camo is all about.
Anything Goes / Re: Merry Christmas
« Last post by Dr. John on December 26, 2024, 01:01:50 PM »
Belated Merry Christmas to you all! We are in Alberta, mainly seeing magpies, red breasted nuthatches, and downies.
Anything Goes / Re: Merry Christmas
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 26, 2024, 12:13:16 PM »
Well, dear lady, that was in 2015.  Now there will be a 25% duty on lumber, so those heron and there offspring might wish to rethink there plans for the coming spring.

Yes, TTP is about 5 kilometers (I don't recognize kilometres as a sensible alternative, unless it is a device for measuring distance in kilometers) from base to tip, but then also add the inevitable back & forth travel east and west, from cell to embayment, that can make it a very long haul indeed.  I really don't know how anyone can accomplish that trek while carrying a 500mm f4 lens, and yet many do just that.  Those enthusiasts are made of sterner stuff.  Of course some ride a bike but then need to keep track of it.  I don't have a bike, or bike rack (redundant, I suppose), and I'm not keen on renting one since I don't use rental/parking apps, or even have a cellphone.  I have my feet, for now, and plan to use them again when I get over the injury sustained by slamming my toes against the protruding metal legs of a portable workbench.  May have cracked a bone.  Just another crack to add to my other cracks.  To paraphrase L.Cohen ... cracks are how the light gets in.  Let's hope 2025 has some really good light.
Anything Goes / Re: Merry Christmas
« Last post by Charline on December 26, 2024, 11:39:58 AM »
Funny you mentioned trafficking. In the spring of 2014, I photographed the night heron pair, taking twigs from Canada to build their nest in the US.

My back is getting better, thanks. The pain comes and goes. Sitting and carrying heavy lens will trigger the pain. Walking is ok.

Isn't TTP 5  km each way? Not sure though. The challenge was I had to walk a section of the road in ankle-high snow.
Anything Goes / Re: Merry Christmas
« Last post by Shortsighted on December 26, 2024, 09:26:54 AM »
I love that statement ... "didn't bring the 400mm lens" ... so casual, so matter-of-fact, as if everyone has a 400mm lens, like, "I didn't bring my boots".  So, you walked nine miles.  That's about 15 kilometers, but I guess you walked it on the American side.  Oh, wait, I'm sorry, you're right, it's miles, cuz I forgot that according to President Elect Donald Trump we are now the wonderful 51st state.  Someone should inform all those waterfowl that they no longer need to worry about customs and security at the border.  Wait, there's something not right here.  Didn't we just spend, or promise to spend billions festooning the border with bureaucracy?  That bureau crazy!  Way too many desks to fill.  Oh right, some of it will be in the form of drones, all under control of the head drone, Donald duck.  Still, 9 miles, or almost 15 metric clicks, that's pretty good.  It's like tackling Tommy Thompson Park in totality. Your back must be getting better and that's a good sign of great things to come in the New Year.
Anything Goes / Re: Merry Christmas
« Last post by Charline on December 26, 2024, 09:00:34 AM »
On Christmas Day, I walked about 9 miles along Stanley Road in Niagara Falls. I saw one Kestrel, two Coopers, one red-tailed on the roadside. There were many megansers and buffleheads in Welland River. There were thousands of ducks, geese in the sky. I will check to see if there were any sandhill cranes when I download my photos and videos. I didn't bring the 400mm lens.