« Last post by Shortsighted on November 26, 2024, 01:01:53 PM »
No sir, I don't consider this to be early. In fact, Snow bunting have consistently been reported in other locations: Sam Smith, Ashbridges, Tommy Thompson, even Cranberry Marsh (once or twice) and a couple of reports from Darlington in Oshawa. When I was at Tommy Thompson a few weeks ago there were energetic flocks of small birds on Peninsula B, some were S. bunting, some were pipit and even included the odd larkspur. Others have managed some very good photos of them but I guess that I didn't smell right because they would take off when I was quite a distance away. I think that your best bet, as at Bluffer's, is to station yourself on the rocks and hunker-down for awhile and if you are lucky some might appear. Being motionless among the rocks is not interpreted as a threat but moving around, especially in their direction WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.