Brewster's warbler @ Long Sault today: May 19
Outdoor Ontario

Brewster's warbler @ Long Sault today: May 19


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
Today while wondering around at Long Sault I came across some of the usual summer crowd. A little earlier than usual but still a most welcome sight nonetheless.

Heard or seen today:

-scarlet tanager
-4 indigo buntings
-rose-breasted grosbeaks
-eastern towhee
-eastern pee wee
-great crested flycatcher
-grasshopper, clay-coloured and field sparrows
-red-tailed and broad-winged hawks, northern harriers
-nashville, black and white, yellow-rumped, pine, mourning, blue winged, chestnut-sided warblers, ovenbird

The star of the show was a Brewster's I tracked it by its song thinking it was a blue-wing, but when I found it I realised it was something else entirely.

A yellow cap and breast, a yellow dusting on the wings with a black eye line, a gray-white belly and throat and a back like a golden-wing.
A beautiful surprise and it was most obliging. It let me watch it for 15-20 minutes, never once did it seem bothered by my presence.

At Thickson's this morning it was quiet but I still saw:

-scarlet tanagers
-f orchard oriole
-wilson's, canada, black-throated blue and green, blackpoll warblers and 2 female parulas
-lincoln sparrow

Overall a great morning filled with some awesome birds!

Cheers and happy birding!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »