Sora in Thickson Woods today
Outdoor Ontario

Sora in Thickson Woods today


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
While watching warblers in the NW corner of cottage lane (I'm unsure of the name of the street, but it dead-ends and from there you can see the back end of warbler corner). I could see it stout, yellow, triangular bill, its dark gray neck and upper breast, white speckled sides and gray-white underbelly. It took me a moment to realise what I was looking at as I never expected to see it perched in a pine tree, nowhere near a marsh. A wonderful surprise and a lifer for me.

Other highlights included:

-17 warbler species- 3m blackburnians, 1m 1f bt green, 1m canada, 1m 2f chestnut-sided, 1 ovenbird, 1m 1f bay-breasted, 6m 1f blackpoll, 1m orange-crowned, 1f tennessee, 1 ist year pine, 5m 2f wilson's, 1m mourning... others- redstarts, yellow, common yellowthroat, magnolia, black and white

-1 blue headed and 1 philadelphia vireo
-1 veery, 1 gray-cheeked thrush
-1 E. pee wee
-1 swamp sparrow

At the Whitby waterfront
-1 mockingbird
-6-8 purple martins

A surprsing day!

Cheers and happy birding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »