Rainbow Bluet, Stream Bluet, Unicorn Clubtail Erindale Park
Outdoor Ontario

Rainbow Bluet, Stream Bluet, Unicorn Clubtail Erindale Park


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1393
    • http://www.reuvenmartin.blogspot.ca
I had an excellent time walking around Erindale and Riverwood Park today mainly looking for odes, with many species seen including 2 lifers.

Ebony Jewelwing (30)
American Rubyspot (20)
Powdered Dancer (200, by far the most common ode today)
Violet Dancer (1)
Familiar Bluet (30)
Stream Bluet (30, didn't know they were here, but I found about 20 along a 10 metre stretch of the riverbank, with a few elsewhere)
Rainbow Bluet (4, a lifer for me, these were in the most productive spot for damselflies, a calm area along the river full of jewelwings, rubyspots and powdered dancers, also with familiar and stream bluets and both forktails.
Eastern Forktail (20)
Fragile Forktail (30)

Common Green Darner (25)
Rusty Snaketail (1, on a rock in the middle of the river)
Unicorn Clubtail (3, a lifer for me in calm areas along the river)
Eastern Pondhawk (4)
Blue Dasher (2)
Dot-tailed Whiteface (10)
White-faced Meadowhawk (1)
Ruby/Cherry-faced Meadowhawk (1)
Meadowhawk Sp. (1)
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (30)
Common Whitetail (30)
Four-spotted Skimmer (1)

Butterfly variety was much lower:

European Skipper (100)
Least Skipper (20)
Hobomok Skipper (3)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1)
Cabbage White (100)
Clouded Sulphur (10)
Orange Sulphur (1)
Eastern Tailed Blue (1)
Pearl Crescent (1)
Mourning Cloak (1)
Red Admiral (50, all very fresh, numbers increasing over the day)
Question Mark (10)
Eastern Comma (4, my first in quite a while and my first dark forms of the year)
Little Wood Satyr (10)
Monarch (4)

Also heard my first cicadas of the year and a black-billed cuckoo, and saw 2 spotted sandpiper, 3 kingfishers, 2 rose-breasted grosbeak, 1 brown snake, 3 garter snake, 1 painted turtle
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »