Hey Rob,
It's been a great year for Orioles in my backyard as well.
Had 6 coming in constantly. They would all line up on the fence and take turns. I would go through a large jar of jelly every 5 days. Also bought a nectar feeder this year after it got to the point that I couldn't keep them out of the Hummingbird feeders. They would perch on the Hummingbird feeders and were so fat from jelly that they would splash the Hummingbird nectar all over the place. So they got their own feeder. I had to fill that up every 2nd day!! Bloody pigs I tell ya!!
Then....nothing....I haven't even seen an Oriole all week. I've cleaned and put out fresh jelly every day this week and it hasn't been touched, so today I just took it down. It turned into a wasp feeder instead so I decided to remove it. Those wasps love Welches
It is still close to hand if they come back. I think right now they are feeding on the fruit trees and ignoring all of my efforts. I remember my dad saying they could clear out his peach tree in a morning, so maybe that is what they are doing.
Either way it was an amazing Spring/early Summer with them. They are loads of fun to watch, and at least they all get along and share the food. No signs of them being territorial at all. Sometimes I even had 2 or 3 hanging on all sides of the feeder.
Anyone looking for an Oriole feeder. Rob recommended the one shown above to me...AWESOME thanks again....and I would recommend it to anyone .