Odes and Butterflies in Erindale
Outdoor Ontario

Odes and Butterflies in Erindale


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1393
    • http://www.reuvenmartin.blogspot.ca
I spent a couple hours today walking around Erindale Park.

The highlight was an Eastern Amberwing, a lifer for me although it is pretty common in a lot of places.

Other odes:
American Rubyspot - 40
Familiar Bluet - 200
Eastern Forktail - 3
Green Darner - 10
Blue Dasher - 3
Wandering Glider - 2
Black Saddlebags - 10

Cabbage White - 50
Orange Sulphur - 15
Clouded Sulphur - 10
Eastern Tailed Blue - 30
Crescent Sp. - 3
Red Admiral - 1
Mourning Cloak - 3
Monarch - 8
Fiery Skipper - 4
Wild Indigo Duskywing - 15

Otherwise the highlight was an adult bald eagle, and some migrants including 1 Empidonax sp., 1 Philadelphia, 3 Warbling and 3 Red-eyed Vireo, 3 Magnolia, 1 Chestnut-sided, 1 Yellow-rumped, 2 Wilson's Warbler and 1 American Redstart.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »