Oshawa Second Marsh
Outdoor Ontario

Oshawa Second Marsh

Kin Lau

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    • Posts: 848
Some good birds at the Second Marsh today.

1st of all, the following were _missing_: Garganey, Eurasian Widgeon, Sandhill Crane, Little Gull.

The number of Bonapartes are way down with a flock of about 20-30 leaving at 10am and going north, leaving probably only 20 or so left.

There are at least 8 Black Terns, plenty of Caspian and Common Terns.

Duck numbers are also down, or at least not very visible. Only about 10 each of Am Widgeon, Coots, Blue-Winged Teal. A pair of Green-Winged Teals were at Jim's Pond.

At Jim's Pond, lots of Least Sandpipers, couple of Greater Yellowlegs.

A pair of American Bitterns flew by twice, and 3 Green Herons could be seen near the south east corner of the marsh. A pair of Kingfishers were quite active for about 1/2 hour putting on a nice show.

In Cool-Hollow, a Wood Thrush was seen and a winter wren. There's a lot more higher in the canopy.

In the trees near the parking lot, there were Warbling and Philadephia Vireos, lots of Yellow Warblers and a Male Orchard Oriole and Baltimore Orioles.

Lots of the other usuals.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Kin Lau »