Hope you don't mind that I use your thread but I went there today and have some pics:
Trumpeter Swans on sheet of ice:
Trumpeter Swans on the left and the very right is what I believe to be a Tundra Swan -> notice the yellow patch under the eye:
Female Bufflehead...long distance shot...gave in to temptation and used the forbidden digital zoom:
Male Bufflehead...the only good shot I got...and I had the opportunity but my hands were getting numb from the cold ...I'll try again next time:
Group of Long-Tailed Ducks including males and females. My wife says they look like they're wearing ear-muffs lol
Unintentionally caught a cool diving shot..haha!
Another nice shot of the Ear-Muff Du.....errr I mean the Long-Tailed Duck
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!