Excellant bird Feeder location for Photographs
Outdoor Ontario

Excellant bird Feeder location for Photographs


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Quote from: "cosmo3667"
The feeder is maintained by Jerry mostly because he is tall but Evelyn comes by with a small laddder both good people. Never any guarantees with nature maybe the Red Bellied has moved on will check with a friend who attends there regulary to see if he has been there lately and seen it. You will note holes are drilled into the feeder base and so what I do is have a box cutter knife with me and sharpen a branch and put it into the holes and then you wait till the birds land on the branch for a more natural looking photo.

It's all good, I've busting my tail trying to get a Blue Jay pic...very happy I got some nice shots.  I may try again tomorrow morning for the Red Belly and I'll bring some peanut butter, Evelyn said some of the birds or animals like it...forgot which one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!


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Went there again this morning in hopes to see the Red Belly but I guess I got there too late.  But twas not a wasted trip, I got to see a new bird: the American Goldfinch (female).  Pretty little bird with a fantastic song.  

Well I think it's the Goldfinch..please correct if I'm wrong

Also got a more natural shot of the Blue Jay:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!


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Yep your right on the Goldfinch and the birds like the Crunchy peanut butter and they stay abit longer trying to dig the peanut out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »