Over the course of the last 4-5 days things down at the lake have been very busy. Its nice to have some action close to home for a change. As much as I like Whitby its nice to stay close to home for a change.
-up to 8 white-winged scoters on any given day
-over a dozen long-tailed ducks
-60-300 tundra swans- depends on the day- today there were upwards of a hundred- FOY
-10 mute swans
-1 snow goose (white adult)
-several cackling geese- FOY
-carolina wren- out in the marsh- FOY
-30-40 ring-necked ducks
-2m 2f american wigeon
-1m N. pintail- FOY
-4m 4f hooded mergansers
-1m canvasback- the first time I've ever seen one there- FOY
-a half dozen common redpolls
-coopers, sharp-shinned and red-tailed hawks
-1 N. shrike
-1 N. mockingbird
-also cardinals, house finch, song sparrows, downy woodpeckers, brown creepers and wb nuthatch
Other birds of note:
-1 N. saw-whet owl- I finally tracked this guy down at Thickson- of course I needed help to find it- but at least this time it was the chickadees that led me to it.

-2 rb woodpeckers- these too have been playing hard to get- great to see them
-2 turkey vultures- FOY- near Second Marsh- March 8
-1f pine grosbeak- it passed through Solina a few days ago
-25 bohemian waxwings- some great looks at a small flock in Solina
-1 Merlin, 1 N. goshawk- both were in and around Enniskillen
-1 peregrine falcon @ Soper Creek park in Bowmanville
-5 killdeer- darlington marsh
-1 long-eared owl- a quick look @ Thickson Pt.
-1m 1f E. Bluebird- Lambs Rd. Bowmanville
Cheers and happy birding folks!