A strikingly coloured pigeon has joined our backyard regulars during the past week. It is much tamer than the wild birds, approaching us when we go out (while everything else flies away). It also doesn't seem to street-smart, roosting on our gas BBQ within easy reach of cats, raccoons, etc. It also has a band on its leg that only has a phone number. Thus, we think it is a domestic escapee.
We tried the phone number, but it appears the number is out of date as the new phone number holder doesn't know anything about a pigeon.
Any suggestions about what we should do. Should we take it in to the Humane Society? My wife is concerned that they will just euthanise it. Or shall we see how it does in the wild (although so far, I think it is a sitting duck for a cat)? Is there a way to try to put a message out to pigeon fanciers or pet owners?