Leslie street spit Sunday 7 Oct
Outdoor Ontario

Leslie street spit Sunday 7 Oct

Andreas Jonsson

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    • Posts: 532
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I birded the spit together with Claus Ruessler from 8.30 this morning to the mid afternoon. Due to the rather strong wind, relatively cold temperatures, and perhaps the over night rains, it started pretty slow. As the weather gradually got better and we managed to find pockets of birds in the lee of the wind it got better and altogether we had a nice day down on the spit, with 8 warbler species (including orange-crowned) and blue-headed vireos.

We found most of the birds in the dense wood lot at the base of the peninsula southwest of the parking lot, behind the bird banding station (never been down there before -- this is a very nice and varied habitat with lots of song birds today), and on the lee side of the lighthouse at he very peak of the peninsula. However, altogether less sparrows than yesterday on Toronto islands, no shore birds, and only a few water fowl. Most abundant species were kinglets, and yellow-rumped warblers.

Orange-crowned w.
Pine w.
Blackpoll w.
Black-throated green w.
Black-throated blue w.
Yellow-rumped w.
Nashville w.
Palm w.

Blueheaded vireo
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Golden-crested kinglet
E. phoebe
Swainson's thrush
White-throated sp.
White-crowned sp.
Brown creeper
Slate-colored junco
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
white-breasted nuthatch

Black ducks

Sharp-shinned  hawk
Coopers hawk
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Andreas Jonsson »