This is a good story. I was puttering around the kitchen, when some movement outside caught my eye. A juvenile Red-tailed Hawk was flying in the centre of a flock of Starlings. It flew into the neighbour's large Aspen. I kept checking on it, as it sat there grooming and checking out the area. Suddenly, it flew out of the tree toward our house. It kept coming closer and lower, until it flew into the neighbour's side of our chain-link fence. The hawk had seen some Mourning Doves sitting there, on the ground. I think it stunned itself and didn't realize it had impaled a dove on the talons of one foot.(The poor dove was still trying to escape and was making sounds.) The hawk hopped up on our neighbour's bench, trying to shake the dove off its foot. Finally, the hawk came back to its senses and flew off with the dove. That's a bit of excitement for my afternoon!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Leslie Kinrys »
The bird lady of the tower.