Possible Pectoral Sandpiper - Humber Bay East (pics)
Outdoor Ontario

Possible Pectoral Sandpiper - Humber Bay East (pics)

Iain · 4 · 1868


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    • http://iaindmfleming.zenfolio.com
I walked the park from about 10am to 1pm yesterday.  Came up with a decent number of waterfowl species:
Green-winged Teal
Ruddy Duck
Hooded Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Lesser Scaup
Long-tailed Duck

Also had a flock of about 15 Bonaparte's Gulls, a mink and then at the end of the walk a possible Pectoral Sandpiper.  It had the characteristics of a Least but was larger with a pronounced white eyebrow, clear-cut definition between the white belly and streaked breast and a relatively straight bill.  The only reason I say possible is because the bird was so far away and I did not have a scope.  Here are some heavily cropped images of the bird in question.
So, what do you guys think?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Iain »
Bird Photography from Toronto and elsewhere: http://www.iainflemingphotography.com


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I would change that "possible" to a "definite".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by GStuart »


  • Old Timer
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Oh, too chubby to be Least; and long. That's a Pectoral ... it's been a while since I've seen one, but I'll eat my cat if I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by norman »
"If John Denver wasn\'t already dead, I guess I\'d have to kill him."


  • Old Timer
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    • http://iaindmfleming.zenfolio.com
I went back today to get a better look (with scope) and the bird was still there as of 11am.  Pectoral (imm. plumage) it is.  The base of the bill was dull orange and the overall size of the bird is too large to be a Least. All of the other characteristics mentioned above were all the more noticeable through the scope.  

The bird is hanging around with at least 12 Kildeer on the mudflats at the creek opening between Humber Bay Park East and Humber Bay Park West.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Iain »
Bird Photography from Toronto and elsewhere: http://www.iainflemingphotography.com