General Wildlife Rant
Outdoor Ontario

General Wildlife Rant

Axeman · 10 · 4253


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I feel like spring has been a disappointment:

(1) Peepers started late and were not as loud as past years

(2) Bees and butterfly numbers seem down -- apple blossoms are normally buzzing loudly but this year it was very quiet. While blossoms were not as numerous as last year, it wasn't a bad year. But, they didn't scent the air like they usually do.

(3) It's June -- I saw a June bug on May 31....but nothing since.

(4) There are no Canadian teams left in the playoffs and yet they still broadcast the games...and interfere with Coronation St.

On the plus side...the black flies started late and while they were VERY intense for a brief period, they were gone as normal by end of May. And I saw a Polyphemus moth tonight. And bear sightings in BGOS are waaaay up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "Axeman"
I feel like spring has been a disappointment:

(1) Peepers started late and were not as loud as past years

(2) Bees and butterfly numbers seem down -- apple blossoms are normally buzzing loudly but this year it was very quiet. While blossoms were not as numerous as last year, it wasn't a bad year. But, they didn't scent the air like they usually do.

(3) It's June -- I saw a June bug on May 31....but nothing since.

(4) There are no Canadian teams left in the playoffs and yet they still broadcast the games...and interfere with Coronation St.

On the plus side...the black flies started late and while they were VERY intense for a brief period, they were gone as normal by end of May. And I saw a Polyphemus moth tonight. And bear sightings in BGOS are waaaay up.

Whaddaya mean no Canadian teams left? - look at the rosters, they're ALL Canadian teams!

You mean people actually watch Coronation St.?! Just don't interfere with Honey Boo Boo!! :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I was out today (June 8th) for a couple of hours at a local park and was disappointed too. It isn't know for its birds although I did see 13 species there. But I wanted to try for some Butterflies and Dragonflies; there were none, not even the prolific Cabbage White. And I only say a couple of Bumblebees.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 07:49:57 PM by paul_reeves »
Paul Reeves Photography


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It was raining here today, so not surprising we had no butterflies or dragonflies to report. But yesterday, when the sun was shining, I met my first Painted Skimmer in our backyard as it posed in the sun on a dead butterfly bush stem. And the grass was full of skippers of some type. (Our lawnmower was broken for 2 weeks so right now we have more of a tall-grass meadow than a lawn.) Walking around the block a week ago, I met a freshly out Black Swallowtail sipping mineral water off a paving-stone driveway. And this week the large yellow coloured Swallowtails are around but not perching low very often.

I hope this week will bring you better success, perhaps even very close to home!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Our best butterfly bush, a lilac topiary is in full bloom....not much action.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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It's a good year for mosquitoes. :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Anyone finding June bugs ?

Saw my first monarch of season on Father's Day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I realize...I have not come across yellow jackets...or other wasps....

And usually there are stories of either wayward black bears...or moose...or coyotes on the loose in TO....after the Thornhill coyotes, it was a quiet summer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Kris Ito

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I think perhaps the lack of wildlife stories may be attributed to it actually being a good season for the animals. With lots of rain and more moderate temperatures, food supplies at most levels of the food chain have been more plentiful. Animals are better able to feed successfully in the safety of their hidden worlds. It is in the tougher years that they are forced to come out in the open more or wander farther from their preferred territories in search of food. So while we may miss seeing them more often, it's a good thing for them.
Also, for what it's worth, there is no shortage of wasps or butterflies in Riverdale the past few weeks. And over at the Rosetta Raptor Watch, there have been large numbers of Monarchs and dragonflies migrating along the bluffs, as well as a good variety of butterflies visiting the gardens.

-Kris  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Never thought of it that way re: food availability...although looking at the productivity in my own veg garden and flower gardens, it wasn't a great year...on the flip side, the harsh winter could have had a negative effect on populations making less competition for territory...

Glad to hear that the wasps are out...earlier in spring I noticed that honey bees and bumble bees were in short supply around the apple blossoms....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »