I would second the recommendation of Bay Bulls. I was in Newfoundland two years ago and couldn't sell the rest of my family on devoting a whole day to Cape St. Mary's, but they were quite happy to go whale watching in Bay Bulls. Some
(most?) of the whale watching tours from Bay Bulls visit the seabird colonies at the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve. You should be able to get great looks at Puffins, Murres, Razorbills, and Kittiwakes.
I caught this one flying by the boat:

I would have loved to visit Cape St. Mary's, but sometimes you have to compromise when traveling with non-birders.
Also, keep in mind that you can see lots of interesting things even if you aren't in a recognized birding hotspot. I was surprised to get my best view of nesting Puffins at the Cape Bonavista lighthouse.