One or more Killdeer have returned to Ashbridges Bay in the large puddles on the beach alongside many mallards. The juvenile White-crowned Sparrow has survived the winter and is still with the very vocal flock of Tree Sparrows at the 'stone beach'. A young Bald Eagle flew overhead going towards The Spit as I was leaving so I went in that direction on my way home but didn't see it along Unwin. A Kestrel was feeding on a mouse hi in a tree beside the little road in to the marina, a Raven was on its nest on the tower, the Peregrine was on the railing of the old building where it often spends time, a Red-tailed hawk was sitting in a tree on the edge of the Wet Woods, the Mockingbird was along Leslie atop a pole, Red-winged Blackbirds were everywhere, robins were singing, the Tundra swan was still at the bridge and all in all it felt like a taste of Spring.