Coopers' calling (Lithuania ravine)
Outdoor Ontario

Coopers' calling (Lithuania ravine)

Leslie · 3 · 1322


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2 Coopers in the yard this morning, 1 giving the territorial call, 7 minutes ago (7:45 am by my watch, but minutes are approximate).
And I had the long lens on the camera and couldn't get both birds in the same frame.
Otherwise not much but a few juncos, the occasional downy visit to the suet (new formula contains unidentified insects as well as corn) and lots of house sparrows.  The chickadee appears rarely.
I haven't seen a goldfinch since the week before the GBBC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The Coopers' definitely appears to be back on territory.
This morning it sat out for quite some time in both of the dead trees in its wooded ravine, making the occasional call.
Earlier in the year a Coopers' appeared rarely and briefly at break of day, but it might simply have found a roost for the night.
Now it definitely appears to be defending territory.
I saw two birds on Monday but have not seen two since.
Front yard excitement on Thursday evening: a red-tailed hawk in the neighbour's tree (Hillsview & Mavety), with 3 crows above & behind calling out a fanfare.
Juncos, downies, chickadees still around, large flock of house sparrows appears smaller, cardinal is audible but not seen, blue jays, not seen all winter, are also calling.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 279
The Coopers have moved west, which is pretty exciting since I can see the nest from my window.  It's in a tall Manitoba maple in a crotch of the tree.
At least, I think it's the nest.  Alternate unused nests are built (Sandilands) & there are 2 other possibilities visible.
Construction seems to be the male role.  Maybe, being lighter, he can dance out more easily at the ends of the branches.  Maybe, being bigger, she's better at defence.
Juncos still around; I heard trilling today.  A cardinal and chickadee at the feeder yesterday; I hear them and a robin.  The house sparrows abandoned the feeder for a few weeks to colonize the holes in the utility poles, but yesterday they were back.
I went out today to move the brush pile & found that the birds which had sheltered in it all winter (including the house sparrows, whom I did not want) left me a nice pile of guano for the coming growing season.
And I got yelled at all morning.  Coopers do not share.  
I don't think I'll be seeing many warblers this spring--again.
Lithuania Park--2 blocks north of High Park.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »