Do yourself a favour and get out to the Whimbrel Watch at Sam Smith Park. There are only two days left. Tim and Wayne will be happy to see you and may even share some peanuts with you if they haven't eaten them all. Yesterday, as Tim was lecturing a group of neophyte birders (and quickly running out of material in a Whimbrel-less sky) a flock of 31 appeared out of the fog and Wayne yelled "WHIMBRELS". The gobsmacked crowd (I think Tim should stop smacking people in the gob except those with unleashed dogs) were treated to a very close fly-by of the flock. When a second group of birders showed up later they watched a small flock of 6 Whimbrels repeatedly trying to land on the nearby rocks. By this time Tim was settled back in his chair counting Cormorants and footballs floating by while telling folks to remain in their chairs as the Whimbrels attempted to land. Good advice.
Sam Smith Park is located at Kipling and Lakeshore Blvd in west Toronto. Walk out to Whimbrel Point just off the main pathway. You can't miss it.