Mourning Warbler and others
Outdoor Ontario

Mourning Warbler and others


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A male Mourning Warbler has been singing frequently in the park abutting my fence the last several days. This morning he made a couple of appearances in the backyard aggressively chasing other birds. Mourning Warbler is a lifer for me. A Great-crested Flycatcher spent about 20 minutes in the backyard yesterday snatching passing insects. Great-crested Flycatchers come every summer and usually announce their presence with their loud wheeeep. Baltimore Orioles and Cedar Waxwings have been regular visitors as well. The resident Gray Catbirds are always bold when I put a few raisins in the feeder. They will sometimes mimic me when I whistle at them. They seem to know when I dump a few raisins in the feeder and show little fear toward me.

Backyard birds missing so far this year are Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Carolina Wren. Not giving up on them yet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »