Some lifers from Nonquon Lagoons
Outdoor Ontario

Some lifers from Nonquon Lagoons


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Last couple of days I made a few trips to Nonquon Sewage Lagoons in Port Perry. This was the first time for me and not disappointed at all after finding four lifers: Black Terns, Marsh Wren, Stilt Sandpiper and a Red-necked Phalarope. There were plenty of Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, least and semi-palmated sandpipers. solitary and spotted sandpipers. Others reported Pectoral - I didn't see any. On Saturday there were quite a few Semi-palmated plover; however, next day mostly were gone. Most of the shore birds were in the southern most pond that has dried up to create an ideal place for them. Bonus birds were three Ospreys (two juveniles), a large flock of Bonaparte's Gull, a merlin and a Northern Harrier. Not sure if the Ospreys were hunting in the ponds; however, I did see one holding a very large catfish.

1. Red-necked Phalarope

2. Black Tern

3. Stilt Sandpiper

4. Marsh Wren

5. Bonaparte's Gull
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »