I couldn’t resist the gorgeous weather, so I ventured down to Humber Bay Park for some birding. Once again, I was not disappointed
Highlights were:
• 10 or so cedar waxwings by the promenade (first time seeing them in this area)
• The grackles returning
• The terns returning
• Red tailed hawk
• 30 or so crows circling the area, I have never seen so many in this area before!
• Ring necked duck (first time ever seeing one)
• Ruddy ducks
• Horned grebes (first time seeing them in this area)
• Seeing a male horned grebe catch a fish and then battle a white winged scoter over the meal
• 10 or so golden crowned kinglets surrounding me and a few actually landing on me! Those buggers are IMPOSSIBLE to photograph!
Other then the above mentioned, the usual waterfowl were seen. The harlequins are still there, but venturing further out – found them on one of the jette points facing Mimico Creek with some red breasted mergansers. The trumpeters are still there as well. I wonder when they will migrate…
I strongly suggest some of you hit this place up this week-end...the weather will be beautiful