Good Morning Folks
Yesterday Ian Cannell and I birded the Long Point Area and besides the great close up look of a male Brewers Blackbird on Kitchen Road just south of Simcoe we found 73 species of birds including 24 Waterfowl species, our first Painted Turtles, Garter Snakes and Chorus Frogs and following are some of the birds we found.
We found other birds along Kitchen Road as well including E. Bluebirds, E. Meadowlarks, Brown Thrasher, Rusty Blackbirds and a ton of Song Sparrows.
From here we headed to Long Point itself stopping off at the Turkey Point Marsh overlook along Front Road on the way to Port Rowan. At the overlook we could see a Bald Eagle in the trees at the back of the marsh and a Sandhill Crane over the marsh.
In Port Rowan we stopped at the Bird Studies Canada building just east of Port Rowan and found Blue-winged Teal, about a dozen Tree Swallows, E. Meadowlark, Rough-legged Hawk and the usual birds.
After this we stopped at the viewing platform at Big Creek Marsh and found 2 Bald Eagles, Rough-legged Hawks, Tree Swallows, 1 Tundra Swan and 1 Canvasback only. We saw a total of 12 Waterfowl species including 100 Ring-necked Ducks, 35 A. Wigeons, N. Pintails, and 50 A. Coots.
We then went to Old Cut Woods and here were a nice Male Purple Finch ( our 2nd one ), lots of Golden-crowned Kinglets, Winter Wren, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Tree Swallows, Creepers and many Blackbirds.
After here we went for a walk in the Provincial Park where we saw E. Bluebird, 4 E. Phoebes, E. Towhee, 3 Wilson's Snipe ( 2 of them flying together overhead ), 8 Killdeer, 11 TV's, Sharp-shinned Hawk, N. Flickers, Bonaparte's Gulls, and a small flock of 16 A. Tree Sparrows feeding on the grass together.
It was now off to Lee Brown Conservation Area where in the main pond and the flooded field to the left ( scope required ) we found 100 Gadwall, 50 N. Pintail, 150 green-winged teal, 100 A. Wigeon, Ruddy Duck, the usual TV's overhead and 4 Sandhill Cranes.
We then headed up to the Triple Bridges area on A Concession Road where we saw Rusty Blackbirds, Red-bellied Woodpecker, 6 Wood Ducks, 12 TV's overhead, 2 Sandhill Cranes calling in the field behind, Bonaparte's Gulls, and a great look at an adult Bald Eagle flying low overhead.
Time to head home but we stopped off at the Townsend sewage lagoons NW of Jarvis at dusk and again found some nice birds including 6 Lesser Yellowlegs, about 2500 Canada Geese, 250 Ring-necked Ducks, 50 Ruddy Ducks, 50 Lesser Scaup, 50 N. Pintail, 25 Redhead, 25 Green-winged Teal, ( 11 Waterfowl species total that we could see ), 200 Ring-billed Gulls flying south, and just as we were leaving ( and we could barely see as it was almost dark ) 2 Sandhill Cranes flew in to spend the night there.
Directions:- ON REQUEST