Anyone looking for Northern owls- Manitoba Owl tour
Outdoor Ontario

Anyone looking for Northern owls- Manitoba Owl tour


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Anyone looking to see the exclusive northern owls like Great Gray or Hawk owl, there is a tour be operated out of Winnipeg for this March
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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As a followup..though not looking to promote businesses on this forum, but anyone looking to get northern owls

I just returned after a 3 day trip out to Manitoba....  for owls we got 7x hawk owls, 6x Great Grays, 1x Boreal owl, 1x Great Horned on nest ( subarcticus species),   could of had snowies and screech owls but these 2 were in opposite direction and I have seen enough of these in Toronto and area so concentrated on other bird species more rare to Ontario such as..... Sharp-tail grouse, Grey Partridge, 3-toed woodpecker, Eurasian tree sparrow, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadees, Northern Shrikes.  There was also  Spruce grouse, Townsend Solitary, black-backed woodpecker, Gyrfalcon but not enough time and missed these 4.

Lots of wildlife  deer, coyote, fox, fisher, black-tailed jackrabbit...saw lynx and wolf tracks only

This tour group has a group tour.... but I took the 3x single day personalized tour option instead and found it much better...always better to avoid groups if you are after pictures

For those interested I update some shots of recent trip to my flicker acc,  for reference I used a 7d with 400mm lens and 99% of bird shots were taken from car

Happy Birding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »