Some pictures from a recent (mostly non-birding) trip to San Diego. I saw in total 82 species, of which 25 were lifers.
Pictures were taken in the Mission Bay area unless otherwise noted.
Say's Phoebe. Lifer.
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Snowy Egret
American Crow
Eared Grebe
Painted Redstart. Lifer. Rare.
American Pipit
Common Raven on picnic table
Black Phoebe. Lifer. Likes perching on garbage bins.
Western Sandpiper. Lifer.
Marbled Godwit
Black-bellied Plover
American Coot. Most common waterfowl. On lawns and very unafraid of humans.
Cassin's Kingbird, Lifer.
Anna's Hummingbird. Lifer. Very common.
Western Gull. Lifer. Most common gull.
Western Grebe
California Gull. Lifer.
Long-billed Curlew. Lifer.
Heermann's Gull. Lifer.
Great Blue Heron
Brandt's Cormorant. Lifer.
Brown Pelican. Taken offshore on whale watching trip. Saw spouts and tail of Gray Whale, fins of Pacific White-sided Dolphin and great action from a large group of Common Dolphins.
Black-vented Shearwater. Offshore.
Acorn Woodpecker. Taken in the mountains east of San Diego.
Surf Scoter
Brewer's Blackbird. Lifer. Taken at San Diego Zoo parking lot.
Allen's Hummingbird. Lifer. San Diego Zoo.
Great Egret. San Diego Zoo.
Greater Yellowlegs. Taken at Silver Strands State Beach.
Little Blue Heron. Silver Strands State Beach.
Osprey, Silver Strands State Beach
Lifers I didn't get a picture of: Red-masked Parakeet, Steller's Jay, Western Meadowlark, Barn Owl, Verdin, Costa's Hummingbird, Great-tailed Grackle, Townsend's Warbler, California Towhee, Lesser Goldfinch