SE wind kept the temperature cool, especially on the windward (east) side and the bright sky ushered
the few migrants to the tree tops. Even there the numbers were low. Myrtle and Palm warblers from
last week were still present but few and far between. Some trees may have three or four warblers while
other tree groups were devoid of visitors. Yellow warblers now on the scene and could be encountered
at any height, from tree top to brush, especially near water. One male Common Yellowthroat seen near
the bay. Other sightings include: American Goldfinch, Northern Oriole, Orchard Oriole (east side of park),
Warbling vireo, (male) Eastern Towhee, Eastern Phoebe, Hermit thrush, Veery thrush, Ovenbird,
(male & female) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Kingfisher, Winter wren, Flicker, (female) Black-throated Blue warbler,
Tree swallows, Rough-winged swallows (east side) and the usual RWBB, Grackles, Robins and Cardinals.
There may have been more but it's hard to tell without binoculars.