Despite the report of a few species of warblers at Ashbridges I figured their numbers
were not great enough to warrant getting a bad case of warbler neck. Instead, I explored
ground level and bushes and the only warbler that appeared at that elevation was a single
Myrtle warbler & a B&W warbler. Sparrows everywhere, mostly White-throated (both light and dark morph),
and a few White crowned. A couple of Swamp sparrows and a single Linchon sparrow.
Lots of Hermit thrush and a few Brown Thrasher but could not find the reported Wood
thrush (figures). Also sighted: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Least
Flycatcher, Great-crested Flycatcher, Eastern Towhee (male and female), and House wren.