A Few Fall Warblers
Outdoor Ontario

A Few Fall Warblers


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
On reading Shortsighted's request for photos of Fall warblers, here's a set that I happen to see in different places that I visited for entirely different reason. For example last week-end I went to Oshawa in search of a Black-throated Sparrow that was reported the day before. Instead I found a Black-throated Green Warbler and a Northern Parula. The Black-throated Blue warbler (male and female) are from Hawk Cliff area near Port Stanley, that I visited the week-end before. They were inside the forested area and ISO hit 28,000 - no wonder there's a lot of noise in them. The last two (Nashville and Chestnut-sided) are from Downsview Park.

1. Northern Parula

2. Black-throated Green

3. Black-throated Blue (Male)

4. Black-throated Blue (Female)

5. Nashville

6. Chestnut-sided
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Thanks Dinu for posting your recent findings even if they are not exactly within the GTA.
The woodlot across the street has both dense vegetation for shelter and ample berry and
wild grape clusters but there are no birds at all, day after day, come rain or shine, regardless
of the previous night's wind direction. The immediate vicinity is as dead as this forum is
becoming. Your shot of the CS warbler delivering a parting glance is priceless. It's good to
know that in the realm where the Dinu roams there is still migratory action ... Jurassic park?
Special thanks as well for being receptive to my yearning and ostensible pleading for something to
see on this moribund forum. You certainly get around ... a real dynamo. You should put on a
podcast of your adventures.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »