Over the past few years, we have planted almost exclusively native species in our downtown front and back yards, hoping to attract native insects and birds. This weekend was particularly exciting as we had a Nessus Sphinx moth show up to feed on our milkweed. We could watch it from a few inches away without disturbing it. It seemed to also like visiting our Virginia creeper, so we are hoping some eggs were laid (no idea how to tell if it was a male or female).
We also had several Monarchs visit the milkweed, but no sign of any eggs. A beautiful Mourning Cloak and an Eastern Comma (or perhaps a Question Mark)also visited. We've also had plenty of fun watching the milkweed beetles, milkweed bugs, and young red-legged grasshoppers. And we've had a whole host of bees visiting our flowers, some of which have metallic green thoraxes. Still trying to nail down their exact IDs.