9 a.m. - A dismal start to the day with secure overcast and a delicate mist that was
undecided whether gravity needed to be obeyed. The woodlot and its associated verdure
along the side of the street was perfectly still. Not a leaf twitched and the site was
as quiet as a vacuum. I had such high hopes for the mist opportunity.
12:30 p,m, - Some twitching directly across the street right at the edge of the woodlot
entanglement. A buzzing call that I recognized as vireo (Red-eyed). It was indeed a loose
flock of REV showing no preference for height (upper story and just above the ground).
There was so little light that even with my lens wide open (f4) and the ISO cranked up
my shutter speed was way too slow (no "IS") so photography was pointless. Also spotted
a Magnolia warbler and a couple of American Redstart. A sharp cracking sound from a snapped
twig revealed a deer in the gloom about 5 meters away. Also spotted a Hermit thrush and for
just a moment was hoping that it was a Wood thrush. Also saw a Hummer.