Birds in Cheltenham
Outdoor Ontario

Birds in Cheltenham

cabz · 1 · 1402


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On my morning walk yesterday, had a Blue-winged Warbler Male at the top of a tree singing his heart out and about 50 feet away, a Clay-coloured Sparrow trying to compete.  As I sat on the river porch cleaning my harness (horse) in the afternoon, 3 male Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks were at my feeders.  Great day of birding in my own yard!!!!!!

Would anyone be able to suggest a known spot for a Scarlet Tanager, as my husband loves this bird and would like to get some pictures?  Anywhere in the GTA, preferably the west end, as we are just north of Brampton?

Thank you for any info in advance.  Looks like most of the weekend is going to be nice, so good birding to all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cabz »