Plant ID
Outdoor Ontario

Plant ID

Ally · 4 · 4974


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I bought a pot of Lemon Cypress, and found the little plants underneath quite interesting to look at. They look like duck heads. What are they?


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Good observation. They look more like golf clubs to me. Anyway, the miniature scene is quite lush and resembles a prehistoric forest scene that I wouldn't mind walking through if I could only fit into the tiny boots so required. Spending some quality time observing the macro world is like an escape from the travail of the regular world and might serve, to some degree, as a stay-cation. All you need now is some jungle sound effects and a miniature dinosaur to complete the illusion. What's on the other side of that bush? I'm keen to find oit but be careful. You never know what lurks in the prehistoric forest.


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Golden clubmoss, likely.

I have the same tree, and golden clubmoss. But they are in separate pots.