Good Morning
Went back to my old stomping grounds yesterday thanks to Naish McHugh. We had a pretty good day (106 species) even though we bypassed Wilson's Tract and St, Williams Forest and went to Backus Woods too late in the day for song.
We started at the Townsend Sewage lagoons where we saw a Red-necked Phalarope, Ruddy Turnstones, S-B Dowitcher, and other more common shorebirds. Also there was a Tundra Swan, Ruddy Ducks, and Shovelers.
We then drove towards Simcoe along and with stops on Concession 14 where we saw Green Heron, Wild Turkeys, E. Bluebirds, 2 Coyotes, a Raccoon carrying one of her young across the road and the usual Sc. Tanagers, B. Orioles along with Great crested Flycatchers, E. Wood Pewees, E. Phoebes, Gnatcatchers and House and Carolina Wrens.
Next stop was the Turkey Point Marsh overlook where we had scope views of a Bald Eagle at it's nest and 1 close overhead as well as Sandhill Cranes and Red-bellied Woodpecker.
Off we went to the Port Rowan overlook and the Bird Studies Canada pond and on to Big Creek Marsh where we saw another Bald Eagle, Black Terns, many Marsh Wrens, Sandhill Cranes and Blanding's Turtle. WE didn't walk the marsh trail so we probably miss a number of species.
From the marsh we went to Old Cut Woods and the old Provincial Park where we found 17 Warbler species, Philadelphia Vireo, Gray-cheeked and Swainson's Thrushes, Veery, Carolina and House Wrens, R-T Hummingbirds, Least and Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, Sc. Tanagers, E. Pewees, Lincoln Sparrows, Gnatcatchers, and Green Herons (overhead).
We then drove back and past Lee Brown Conservation area where Naish spotted another Bald Eagle. WE stopped at the Triple Bridges area on A Concession Road and found 2 more Carolina Wrens, Hooded Merganser, Indigo Bunting, more Great crested Flycatchers and House Wrens, Sc. Tanager and a N. Harrier.
We now went over to Backus Woods which was quiet except for the buzzing of Mosquitoes (not too bad YET) but we did have Pileated, Red-bellied and Hairy Woodpecker, Y-B Sapsucker and the expected Ovenbirds and then it was over and off we went for home.