BACKYARD – Jan. 2nd:
Outdoor Ontario

BACKYARD – Jan. 2nd:


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 Although no finches were reported on the feeder on January 1st as part of New Year’s Assortment there was a pair of House finches (male and female) early the next day, as well as cardinals and a very brief appearance of the Red-bellied woodpecker. An American goldfinch also perched nearby for a few seconds but then moved on to a better neighbourhood.[/font]

Oops, sorry about that. A little vinegar will take that right out.[/font]

What do you mean NOT THAT ONE?

How long is this posing stuff going to take? I'm hungry!

I think that this is my best side, don't you?

Look, if you don't get off that feeder RIGHT NOW then you're not going to get any later.

OK, send an 8x10 glossy to everyone I know.

I am NOT a dunce.


My assignment today is to keep a low profile and not stand out. How am I doing?[/font]


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