Odd Day, Milton - Robins
Outdoor Ontario

Odd Day, Milton - Robins


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Woke to a fresh blanket of light fluffy snow here in Milton this morning. I stepped out side and was surprised to hear the Spring call of the Dark Eyed Junco's and then a Cardinal singing away. Wait, What? We have at least 4 inches of snow on the ground in the back with a fresh coat of snow. All day long Multiple Male and Lady Cardinals visiting the feeder. The Males showed far more courage than the females while I was standing on the deck and No they weren't to appreciative when the dog wanted to be out back. Just before supper 5pm ::) I was gazing out the back sliding doors when I noticed a tree full of American Robins, I counted 30. I said to my wife look at all the Robins next door. Her response was, I told you I saw a bunch of Robins while I was walking the dog earlier "then an expletive". I put it down to my selective hearing.
Napper:)  Got pics! but not good pics it was too dark.
p.s. I thought I heard Robins yesterday but never spotted them
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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You commented that the male cardinal(s) appeared to act bolder than the females when visiting your feeder with you nearby and that observation reminded me of coming to the opposite conclusion here in my backyard. The females have learned to mostly ignore me when I approach the window while the males scram at the slightest perceived threat. The female will push other birds aside to monopolize the feeder while the male cardinal just sits and waits, or gives up and flies away.

If I scan the tree tops of the street-side woodlot from my back window I can often see a small group of birds perches together. A quick look with my spotting scope (straight-version & handheld) I always identify stalwart robins; although not seen every day, they remain all winter. By now they might be starting to call. Blackbirds have been reported all over the place, including grackles. I heard today that cherry blossoms may be very early this year but no exact date was predicted. I wonder what March has in store?