Downsview Park April 10
Outdoor Ontario

Downsview Park April 10

Ally · 5 · 1174


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One more exam to go!


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Glad to see these.


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It's too bad neither of those aircraft have red-painted empennage (tails). Of course, a little processing in post could change that state and then you would have some formation flying with the RTH. I'm tempted to try it ... but I'm lazy.

That's quite an intimate (natural) shot of the killdeer, largely due to that superb down-to-earth technique. You actually got a Tree swallow in flight with a heavy 600mm zoom lens! Studying for exams, while taxing, has certainly not blunted your chops with a camera. I saw a small group pf Tree swallows today and the thought of following them in flight with my camera was an endeavour just too daunting to consider. Oddly enough, I was staring across an empty expanse, seeing nothing, and then suddenly, as if by magic, a group of swallows just appeared out of nowhere. I noted that they must be using a dead topless tree trunk as a nesting place but the access hole was on the other side of the trunk.


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Also, I forgot to ask you ... how successful do you find the autofocus to be with your Sigma f6.3 zoom lens coupled to your Canon t7i? That camera body, as my old t4i, does not autofocus when the lens aperture is slower than f5.6. Given that fact, how is it that your camera will even focus itself. At the very best, it should hunt a long time before perhaps locking on to a subject. Obviously it seems to work, but why? The Tamron 150 - 600 is also f6.3 and its AF was poor, although the new G2 version is suppose to be much better. More expensive camera bodies can handle f6.3 but I'm amazed that the Rebel bodies seem to handle this lens. Do you find the AF to be fast enough?


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Also, I forgot to ask you ... how successful do you find the autofocus to be with your Sigma f6.3 zoom lens coupled to your Canon t7i? That camera body, as my old t4i, does not autofocus when the lens aperture is slower than f5.6. Given that fact, how is it that your camera will even focus itself. At the very best, it should hunt a long time before perhaps locking on to a subject. Obviously it seems to work, but why? The Tamron 150 - 600 is also f6.3 and its AF was poor, although the new G2 version is suppose to be much better. More expensive camera bodies can handle f6.3 but I'm amazed that the Rebel bodies seem to handle this lens. Do you find the AF to be fast enough?

Not nearly as fast. Funny I thought it was just lack of practice today because I hadn't been out for a bit. But it was hard to lock a RTH, tree swallows are the reasons my wrist hurt.