Feels like winter! and an update
Outdoor Ontario

Feels like winter! and an update

Napper · 1 · 2838


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There is snow on the radar in and around the GTA late this evening 11:30 pm

Not much going on in Milton other that the Warm weather during Early April that brought out some Bat's. DE Junco's departed late last week.

This past Friday morning on my way to Hagersville as the temps warmed on the way I was surprised how many Turkey Vultures were soaring above  the escarpment along the 403, further South on hwy 6 there were a few Swallows zippin about. They were not Barn Swallows.
We spent a few days up North during that warm spell doing the winter tire swap out and opening the place. It was interesting how busy the birding was. Robins, Grackles, WB and RB Nuthatches, Flickers, Red Headed Wp's, Downie's, Hairy's. Had a Merlin do a fly by while calling and an Eastern Phoebe calling at tree top level. 

On the second last Morning the Fog at 6:30am set a very odd mood,  sounded like 50 Chickadee's calling in the distance nonstop. The Gulls over top with a little bit of wave action was a little creepy.
p.s. testing a trail cam at  my  bird feeder
I have a skunk story for later
« Last Edit: April 25, 2023, 12:16:52 AM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?