A return visit to the same site in much better light did not result in additional photos, or any photos at all. I was there for about an hour and did not see any Hermit thrush or Winter wren. Didn't see, or hear the Carolina wren either. There was just distant drumming high in the trees on the slope of the hill. I could also hear goldfinch high in the trees. Whereas the RC kinglets were singing up a storm before, a return visit didn't reveal any warbles at all. I thought I heard a very faint Winter wren song in the vicinity of a large fallen tree. A 15 minute silent vigil did not show a wren. The call was so faint that it was almost inaudible. I could hear a kingfisher in the distance, probably over the creek, but I was not inclined to return to the main drag from the seclusion of the woods. The creek follows the main walkway and that's where all the dog walking, loud conversations and vicious cycling occurs. Wherever there are people there is noise.
There was a clearing in the woods with the biggest darn nest I've ever seen. Hot dang, I swear if that bird returns to finish the nest I will need a W/A lens, not a telephoto lens. I might be able to scare it off by saying hot dang a few times as loud as I can. Hot dang, I'm so excited!