FOY backyard
Outdoor Ontario

FOY backyard


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Yesterday was the FOY-sighting of both Baltimore oriole and Red-breasted grosbeak in the backyard. While I was working I thought that I heard the buzz of a hummingbird near my ear (feeder now installed) but when I looked up I couldn't see one. Nothing since then either. Also, finally saw a Chipping sparrow on the seed feeder ... it's about time!


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Cool ! We are  at the Beach in Tiny Township and we have Chipping Sparrows about. No birds have approached our feeder we put up yesterday.
Lots of activity, no birds at Feeder, Chipping Sparrows all over the Yard and Chickadee's everywhere.
Interesting point to this, I watched a video regarding location memories passed down through the womb of mammals and birds. I have to find that link again. It was research completed in Germany along the East/West Barrier fence and how Deer reacted to the removal of the barrier years later and how the Deer continued to avoid the fence line.

Might explain why I have Hermit Thrushes showing up in  my yard in Milton every year and why Rose Breasted Grosbeaks pass us by after having to remove our Ash Tree years ago.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2023, 07:28:21 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?

Dr. John

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We had our first chipping sparrow in our backyard a couple of days ago.  We have also had a couple of hermit thrushes in the past couple of weeks.