Coyote vs Racoon or Cat, Tiny Beaches
Outdoor Ontario

Coyote vs Racoon or Cat, Tiny Beaches

Napper · 4 · 2807


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Last evening while outside around midnight I heard what sounded like a Racoon or two messing around just down the street. Racoons make very distinctive sounds "Clicking like"
I got out my work light and had a look around and continued to hear sound but could see nothing.
This morning I received a text on my phone from my Son stating that he heard and saw a Coyote take and kill a Cat or a Racoon and exit stage right in front of the house under the only streetlight in the area. It was 2 am when sent.
I put up my Game cam this evening and have warned all the people we know with cats or small dogs. Son said it sounded like a Cat fight and then Coyote running down the street with prey in mouth.
Napper :o
« Last Edit: June 21, 2023, 08:12:05 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
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You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Can't sleep? There's a legend around that speaks of a certain persuasion of raccoon, usually those from the wrong side of the tree line, that engage in nefarious activities in the middle of the night, shenanigans well beyond the usual stuff, including playing craps in small groups (clicking noises), not to be confused with having a silent crap, which they do quite alone. Anyway, when one raccoon wins at craps too often it is suspected of cheating. When that happens the spectral coyote is called to dispatch the cheating scoundrel. I'm skeptical about this legend cuz I really can't see a coyote being called to do anyone's bidding. Still, when the moon is high and full there is a raccoon crap game underway somewhere. They also say that simply cupping your hands around your mouth and howling into the night, and let's face it ... who hasn't done that, will even suffice to deter a despicable cheating raccoon during mid-game. Put that way, howling into the night could be viewed as a community service and it gives you something to do whenever you can't sleep.


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Coyotes fascinate me...particularly urban you find more coyotes around now as that area gets more built up?


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No I do not. I haven't seen a coyote in years and the last one that I did see, which was looking for shade alongside Highland Creek in Scarborough, was scrawny and malnourished, looking like it was just ready to drop dead. Here in Pickering I do hear them at night, particularly when the nearby freight train blows its horn. That railway horn sets off a chorus of "Give me that two-timing raccoon" or some such nocturnal ditty. It lasts only a few minutes and then all is quiet again. Apparently there were two coyote following me at Petticoat Creek Park. I didn't see them because they were incognito, but the guy in the Ministry of the Environment truck parked at the entrance to the park saw me being tailed, or two-tailed, and offered his observation when I left. I was oblivious to the whole thing, as I am with most things. Frankly, (his name was Frank) I think he was having me on. I asked him if he was there when a squadron of Ivory-billed woodpecker flew over the park, so low and in such numbers that it temporarily blocked out the sun and he said it was a sight to behold. So, I think Frank has a healthy imagination. Coyote, dog, squirrel ... to Frank they're mostly indistinguishable, but you never know, maybe it was true. Coyote are more interested in people who are walking small dogs ... yum!