I haven't visited the Lower Reesor Pond (in Scarborough) since the early spring and my recent visit to the site surprised me by how closed-in the pathway to the observation mound proved to present. All the plants have grown high and almost squeezed out the muddy path. On the mound itself there was virtually no place to stand because the plants, wildflowers and accompanying bees were almost in my face, well, ... chest high anyway. The water level was quite high, so much so that the mock island just opposite the observation mound (really nothing more than just another mound) was submerged. No ducks, no geese, no grebe to be seen. Lots of insects though. Sure enough, I saw a Eastern kingbird fly past me, a sure sign that I'm not welcome. Most of the wildflowers consisted of Sunchoke, Daisy, Penstemon and Butterflyweed (Asclepsias tuberosa).
White Penstamon
Asclepsias tuberosa