I've trained you well Grasshopper. I can't hear that word 'tradition' without conjuring the memory of Zero Mostel's singing voice as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof. Anyway, as you know by what I've previously stated, I don't plan (in advance) to go out because my time is not yet my own. Perhaps it will never be free and easy as I transition from one assignment of circumstance to the next one, which already scares the hell out of me. Moreover, I cannot concentrate when accompanied and would therefore be as unproductive and unsuccessful as full scale bankruptcy. In the field I fumble towards getting a photo when distracted. When solo, just me and my camera, I tend to enter a trance state relying on a sort of intuition as to what to do next, or what direction to tread. This happens even more so when I'm looking for non-bird subjects, whether in a park or in the thick of urban congestion. Any distraction that I can't ignore, such as a photo-buddy, and I simply don't see things in a photographic way anymore. The creative spigot slams shut, the creative juices cease to flow and I revert back to my normal useless state. Besides, your incandescent enthusiasm would blind me and then I would have to hide under a bush. Oh look, a spider ... I'm going to need flash. This is not how I expected my day would unfold, under a tree, in the shade, with an arachnid. I bet Ally has already filled one of her SD cards.