Rattray Marsh Aug 6 ID needed pls
Outdoor Ontario

Rattray Marsh Aug 6 ID needed pls

Ally · 7 · 1204


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Went for osprey, and I dare say I got something better, the question is, who is he? Young Bald?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 01:31:00 PM by Ally »


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Is this a purple martin?


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Juvenile Bald eagle and Purple martin looks good to me. There was an adult BE perched in  tree between the marsh and the lakeside shingle ... nice and close and somebody was there to get a sweet shot. It wasn't me. Again, Rattray is beyond the curvature of the earth and therefore out of reach on my budget. Out here in the east things are absolutely dead. Even the friendly Downy did not make an appearance this morning. No new butterflies in the backyard either.
I almost forgot to ask if you saw the Least Bittern reported there, both today and recently. Hows the water level when viewed from the north-facing side of the beach access? Are there any sand/mud flats? Any shorebirds? Do I ask too many questions?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 04:56:55 PM by Shortsighted »


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/108953252@N02/
I almost forgot to ask if you saw the Least Bittern reported there, both today and recently. Hows the water level when viewed from the north-facing side of the beach access? Are there any sand/mud flats? Any shorebirds? Do I ask too many questions?

I have been there a few times in last few weeks
- the bitterns are always hard to see there,  as keep back at end of marsh and only sen briefly as they fly around occasionally, best chance very early in morning as might be on fence or in another week once young are out hunting- marsh will be very poor this year for shorebirds, water level is very high and will not get better with all this rain and lakes levels are very high as well ,  water is almost too deep for the herons, probably at least 2 ft higher then last year in marsh


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I saw a smaller bird flying out, all the pics were blurry because of the reeds. So let's say I saw it ;D ;D


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Thanks for the report. I should have figured that the water level was too high based upon observations elsewhere. I was hoping that a Least Bittern would be sighted and reported here in the east, at Cranberry marsh, as was the case on some previous years but nothing so far. The last time that both a LB and I were at Cranberry at the same time I missed a good opportunity for a choice shot, albeit with too short a lens, because I lost my patience and didn't wait long enough for the bittern to make its way around the reeds. I knew approximately where it was and that it was almost certainly headed my way and would eventually emerge into view at the base of the reeds. I just wasn't prepared for how long that two meter excursion would take and my back was killing me because I was laying there flat on the ground for the best perspective. Probably wouldn't have been a problem if I had still been in my 30's then, instead of 60's. I had to get up and stretch and that's when the bittern appeared, was spooked and flew farther away. I got a shot at its new location but it was not a good one.