Hummingbird & wrens, Tiny Township
Outdoor Ontario

Hummingbird & wrens, Tiny Township


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I've been keeping a close watch on the flowering plants in our yard and today i spotted a Hummingbird, as usual as soon as I found my camera it flew off. We also have a wren checking out the garden and the fire pit for crickets, it was only a few feet away from me as it skulked across the driveway and into the veggie garden..
Feeder is still busy, spotted what looked like a Coopers hawk glide over the house this morning, if so it would be the first time seeing one here. Was a quick glance, caught white undertail feathers on a large hawk.

Napper :)
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?