Tennessee and Am. Redstart @ street-side woodlot
Outdoor Ontario

Tennessee and Am. Redstart @ street-side woodlot


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At 8 o'clock this morning, down the street adjacent to the edge of the street-side woodlot here in Western Pickering (next to Rouge land), I spotted a juvenile Am. Redstart and a juvenile Tennessee warbler. Located in mid - to - upper story they were too far away for a good shot. Also, by the time I got the lens on target-site the target itself had vanished. There was no wind this morning and as a result the mosquitoes were bothersome even on the street. Nothing else to be seen or heard except chickadees and cardinals.


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Your woodlot is a treasure!

You should consider to give us a guided tour.  ;D


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The only shot of the Tennessee warbler that is reasonably in focus is attached. The actual plane of focus went through a tree limb instead of the bird because the warbler was so far away that the AF target-lock was equivocal. Went down the street again just a little while ago and I saw nothing and heard nothing.