Pickering Bluffs - September 15
Outdoor Ontario

Pickering Bluffs - September 15


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Coldest morning yet at 10 degrees. Plenty of sunshine and I got out later than usual. Right near the bluff brink, or maybe even over the brink since I wasn't fully awake yet, I could hear plenty of frenzied warbler twitter. Indeed, everywhere I looked something was moving, although mostly high up in the trees. When a warbler did venture lower it was brief. I was awake now! What a bonanza! All I got was about 15 minutes of action before the park maintenance crew began cutting the still wet grass that didn't really need cutting. Where did they start cutting? Right behind the very tree that favoured all those migratory juvenile warblers. I could just scream. Of all the trees, in all the parks, in all of the GTA, why did they have to start-up at mine. Within a few minutes the birds were all gone and in those 15 glorious minutes I missed a lot of shots. Camera freezing up and the TC really slows down the AF on decade-old camera.

I went in search of the flock but never found it again, but I tried. There's a good boy.

Sightings include:  N. Flicker / Cardinals / Hummers / Red-eyed Vireo / Philadelphia Vireo / A. Redstart / N. Parula / Magnolia / Tennessee / Black-throated Green / female Black-throated Blue / Yellow-rumped / Sharp-shinned hawk / B&W warbler / Rose-breasted Grosbeak / Least flycatcher / Catbird x 3 / chickadees and a brief glimpse of a Brown Thrasher on the grass and immediately back into the bushes.